Rex Nutt Student Physical Therapist Award


The Student Physical Therapist Award shall be given to recognize an outstanding student physical therapist from an accredited professional Physical Therapy Program in Texas who has exhibited excellence in both leadership and clinical skills. This award shall be known as the Rex Nutt Student Physical Therapist Award, hereinafter referred to as the Rex Nutt Award. This award has been established in honor of Rex Nutt, a PT who has dedicated his professional career to furthering the educational and professional level of Physical Therapy.


  1. A student physical therapist who
    1. is a member of the TPTA and is in the last year of an accredited professional program, or who has graduated within the last calendar year.
    2. has a passing average in curriculum, however grade point average shall not be sufficient criteria for winning the award. 
  2. As the intent of the award is to honor a student who demonstrates excellence in clinical performance and exemplary leadership skills, the following guidelines are suggested for reviewing nominees to select a winner:
    1. Clinical performance
      1. Knowledge of basic clinical skill and creativity in application
      2. Communication skills
      3. Ability to work with staff
      4. Level of professionalism
      5. Overall attitude
      6. Ability to handle crisis situations.
      7. Ability to apply scientific method to clinical setting, i.e., ability to ask pertinent  questions and follow up by finding an answer.
    2. Leadership
      1. Attendance at TPTA meetings (District and Chapter)
      2. TPTA district level involvement (committees, volunteer)
    3. Displayed leadership in academic settings (well thought of by classmates and faculty - initiates activities)
    4. Displayed leadership in clinical setting (well thought of by peers and staff - initiates activities)
    5. Level of maturity
    6. Displays ability to motivate others
    7. Creativity


  1. Nominations are made by submitting an electronic nomination form and submission of supporting documents. 
    1. A nomination letter
    2. An unofficial transcript from the accredited program. 


1980 – Terri L. Howell
1981 – Charles C. Martin
1982 – Joseph C. Fritz
1983 – Susan Krouse
1984 – Kathleen D. Linney
1985 – Kathy Hamilton
1986 – Melissa J. Briley
1987 – Tamara Jean Vaugh
1988 – Warren Van Bush
1989 – James Craig Cryer

1990 – Tamara Jean Vaugh
1991 – Kathy Davis
1992 – Stacy Cooper
1993 – Jose Luis Santos
1994 – Laurie Johnson
1995 – Katrina Short
1996 – David McMullan
1998 – Lori Schwanz
1999 – Jacob Brewer

2000 – Matt Dufilho
2001 – Matthew Stump
2002 – Doug Anderson
2003 – Leslie Turlington
2004 – Brad Hicks
2005 – Alexandria Griffin
2006 – Kimberly Staton
2007 – Angela Rosales
2008 – Laura Ruth Fisher
2009 – Jennifer Yasu Stone
2010 – Alison Jeffus
2011 – Sara Lord
2012 – Mark Gutierrez
2013 – Thomas Lawlor
2014 - Aaron Cantu
2015 - Pablo E. Estrada
2018 - Brittney Duke