The TPTA Leadership Interest Form is now up! The deadline for submissions has been extended to June 13th at 11:59pm CT. The online submission form is at the bottom of this page.

For 2024, the following positions are available:

Speaker of the Assembly
Nominating Committee (2 positions)
Delegates-at-Large (estimated 5 positions)

Please read the leadership information below and then visit the link at the bottom of this page to submit a nomination. Please also take note of the membership requirements for each position. Your membership will be confirmed with APTA before you can be slated on the ballot.

If you want to nominate a TPTA member other than yourself, please email the following information to Lindsey Green at the TPTA office, [email protected]

Your name
Your phone number
The TPTA member you are nominating
Phone number and email for the person you are nominating
The position(s) you are nominating them for
Why you think this person would be a good leader in this position?

2024 TPTA Leadership Information

Please read the information below if you are interested in the Secretary, Speaker of the Assembly, Nominating Committee and/or Delegate at Large positions on the election ballot in 2024.  Please fill out the online Leadership Interest form at the end of this page. The online "Interest Form” does not replace the “Consent to Serve” form. You will receive a Consent to Serve form if you are slated to be on the ballot.

Deadline for Submissions: June 13, 2024

Please read the position descriptions below.  This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of responsibilities. 

Secretary – 3 Year Term

Eligible Member:  The Secretary shall be a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant member of the Association for two years immediately preceding the election. The Secretary term of office shall be three years. 

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Meet with successor within thirty (30) days following the Assembly of the year of election for the purpose of transferring the Chapter files and orienting the office to duties, Chapter policies and activites.
  2. Serve as liaison to Chapter committees and/or Districts as assigned by the Chapter President.

Operational Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Attend all Board of Directors Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings, and the Annual Conference.
  2. Maintain the official records of the Chapter.
  1. Minutes
    1. Read the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board of Directors as requested by the President, incorporate corrections as indicated.
    2. Supply information from the minutes and other records as requested.
    3. Carry on all correspondence necessary for the business of the Office and any delegated by the President.
    4. Submit a written report for each Board of Directors meeting.
    5. Submit an annual report.
    6. Is appointed Chairperson of the Committee to Approve the Minutes of the Assembly during the term of office.

Speaker of the Assembly – 3 Year Term

Eligible Member:  The Speaker of the Assembly shall be a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant member of the Association for two years immediately preceding the election. The Speaker of the Assembly term of office shall be three years.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Meet with successor within thirty (30) days following the Assembly of the year of election for the purpose of transferring the Chapter files and orienting the Officer to the duties. 
  2. Make an annual written report to the Chapter.
  3. Make quarterly reports to the Chapter Board of Directors.
  4. Serve as liaison to Chapter committees and/or districts as assigned by the Chapter President.
  5. Submit quarterly reports to the Chapter Board of Directors.

Operational Duties and Responsibilities

    1. Attend all Board of Directors Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings, and the Annual Chapter Meeting.
    2. Be familiar with principles of parliamentary procedure based on Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly revised.
    3. Become familiar with Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules, Texas Chapter Reference Manual and the policies of the Board of Directors.
    4. Conduct a Reference Committee Meeting prior to the Assembly with the Parliamentarian and one other member when necessary.
    5. Confer with the staff liaison to the Annual Conference Committee to schedule the business sessions.
    6. Appoint Chief Teller and nine (9) Tellers.
    7. Appoint a committee to approve the minutes of the Assembly.
    8. Prepare House Rules and Agenda for the Assembly and following approval by the other house officers, submit them to the Chapter Office for inclusion in the Meeting Handbook at the Assembly and for preparations as a handout at the Assembly.
    9. Appoint Sergeant-at-Arms, Reader, and Timer to serve as House Officers during the Assembly.
  1. Additional Considerations for Speaker of the Assembly.
  1. Attendance at previous Assembly within the past five (5) years.
  2. Working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
  3. Experience conducting meetings or in public speaking.

Nominating Committee – 3 Year Term  

2 Positions

Eligible Member:  Physical Therapist. The Nominating Committee Chair shall be elected each year by the committee members. Nominating Committee members shall consist of the five members elected at large and the term of office is three years.  No member may serve consecutive terms. A member of the Nominating Committee may not serve another Chapter-elected position, except Delegate-at-large.  The Nominating Committee term of office shall be three years.

Operational Duties and Responsibilities

  1. General Duties
    1. Solicit nominations from each District. Acceptable methods include but are not limited to special mailings, district presentations, and notices in Synergy.
    2. Provide Candidate Packets to nominees for office.  This packet will contain, minimally: 
      1. A Consent to Serve/Biographical form;
      2. Qualifications/responsibilities of office;
      3. Campaign guidelines;
      4. Instructions concerning the elections
    3. Establish and publish a deadline for the return of materials from candidates.
    4. Verify candidates’ membership status with Chapter Staff
    5. Prepare candidate statements and ballot for Synergy
    6. Count ballots prior to Annual Conference.
  2. Duties of the Chair
    1. Oversee nomination and election process.
    2. Carry out or assigns general duties of committee.
    3. Submit Budget Proposals and Expense Vouchers to the Chapter Office.
    4. Prepare and submit Nominating Committee Reports for Board of Directors Meetings and the Annual Report of the committee.
  3. Duties of Committee Members (include but are not limited to)
    1. Secure nominations by seeking individuals throughout the state with leadership abilities.
    2. Assist with elections activities, including tabulation of votes.
    3. Assist the Chair as needed. 

Delegate at Large – 2 Year Term

5 Positions*

Eligible Member:  Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant members who are Association members in good standing may serve as Chapter Delegates. Delegates are elected as per the Chapter Bylaws and shall serve a two-year term.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Attend all sessions of the House of Delegates and Texas Assembly during the term for which they were elected.
  2. Present to the House of Delegates all matters as ordered by the Texas Assembly voting body of the Chapter and/or the Chapter Board of Directors.
  3. Vote on issues in accordance with instructions of input from the membership, chapter policies, and/or agreement discussion with other Texas Chapter delegates.
  4. Vote for nominees of the Association Board of Directors and the Association Nominating Committee according to any instructions given by input from the membership at the Assembly, Chapter Board of Directors and/or agreement discussion with other Texas Chapter Delegates.

Operational Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Prior to the House of Delegates:
    1. Complete all assignments
    2. Participate in delegate discussions at delegate meeting or via electronic bulletin board
    3. Obtain delegate materials from the APTA website; read and be familiar with all conference delegate materials including the APTA Delegate Handbook.
    4. If unable to attend Conference, notify the Chief Delegate as soon as possible so that an alternate may be contacted and receive the appropriate delegate materials prior to the Conference. House of Delegates.
  2. During the House of Delegates:
    1. Attend all Chapter Caucuses and pre-House of Delegates meetings.
    2. Attend meetings in professional, business attire.
    3. Provide Chief Delegate with location of lodging and other contact information.
    4. Obtain delegate credentials from Chief Delegate and/or register as a Texas Chapter Delegate (or alternate delegate) at designated time. If not in attendance at the designated time of delegate registration, that vote will be reassigned to a registered alternate delegate, when possible, or the vote will be assigned to another registered delegate at the discretion of the Chief Delegate.
    5. Discus issues and candidates with other delegates in order to become better informed.
    6. Share information gained from discussions with other delegates with the Texas chapter delegation.
    7. Participate in discussion of issues and candidates with an open mind.
    8. Compromise on issues and candidates when indicated.
    9. Keep individual voting record on issue acted on in the House of Delegates and turn in to the Chief Delegate at the close of the House of Delegates.
    10. Evaluate the process for constructive change.
  3. Following the House of Delegates:
    1. Keep non-delegate Chapter members attending Conference apprised of all Texas Chapter Delegation and House of Delegates activities.
    2. Report to their District on the business transacted and the actions taken by the House of Delegates.

*Number of positions is eligible to change based on membership appropriation.

 Click Here To Submit Your Leadership Interest Form