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Leveraging Your Expertise and Authority into Profits (CAD)
Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Category: District Meetings

With reimbursement rates continuously decreasing, what can Physical Therapists do to ensure they are compensated at a level they are not only worth but that keeps up with living standards, including student loan repayments? Utilizing our expertise and authority as Physical Therapists can help solve many of these problems. 1 CCU 

At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Define their “Zone of Genius” and areas of expertise and authority;
2. Identify at least one revenue stream that can be generated from their Zone of Genius;
3. Demonstrate the mindset shift and outside-of-the-box thinking required to become more than a “clock-in”/”clock out” 9-5 type therapist.

Dr. F Scott Feil is a husband, a father, a business owner, a physical therapist, a professor, and most recently, an Amazon best-selling author. F Scott is also a business coach and mentor despite starting his journey as an English major before landing as a Physical Therapist. He is one of the creators and co-hosts of the Healthcare Education Transformation Podcast, which aims to break down the silos between healthcare professions and find best practices in teaching and learning throughout healthcare academia. He also hosts the Professors of Profit Vlogcast on YouTube and in podcast form, which interviews healthcare providers on side hustles and side businesses. He aims to help at least 222 professors and clinicians pay off their student loans quicker and/or more efficiently by using multiple revenue streams (one from every PT School at the time of publication of his book). If he helps some others with terminal degrees or other healthcare clinicians along the way, then it’s a bonus!

6:00 Business Meeting
6:30-7:30  Introduction and CCU Presentation/Q and A

Additional Locations
Live Online Only

Cancellation Policy 

CCUs are only issued to PTs and PTAs. In order to receive credit, you must be present for the full course. After the course complete the course evaluation by 9/30/2023. Link to the evaluation in is your confirmation email. You must follow all instructions, including completing registration. Credits will be issued after verifying attendance and completion of evaluation no later than October 2, 2023. Please allow until then for processing. Instructions for retrieving will be emailed to you.

Registration closed.

Contact: TPTA CAD at [email protected]